How to wash your cycling clothing

There are a lot of DOs and DONTs when it comes to washing your cycling clothing.

The frequent most asked questions are:

How to maintain and clean my cycling apparel?”
“How do you wash your cycling clothes”, “Hand wash or machine wash?”
“Should I iron my cycling jersey?

    Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! We’ll answer all of your questions.
    PS: Washing your cycling jerseys and bibs is not complicated as long as you follow these instructions.

    The Right Way to Wash Your Cycling Clothes

    Here are the DOs and DONTs and tips to wash your cycling clothing

    Machine wash or Manual wash?

    The answer to that is both.

    However, It is preferable to wash them in lukewarm water by hand. It preserves and protects the thin, lightweight materials from the abuse of the machine wash
    ( We get that you might not have time and that it’s not the best option for you)

    Both ways are good. But, if you’ll wash with the washing machine, here are some guidelines :

    • You need to turn your jerseys and bibs inside out before washing to preserve the logos and graphics
    • Make sure to zip up your clothes before washing. If undone, your zippers can ruin other clothes.

    1.Your cycling apparel should be washed separately

    Beware! Do not wash your cycling clothes with your regular ones and most of all don’t throw all your cycling gears together.

    When cycling clothes are washed with other 100% cotton clothes, the color gets damaged.

    Make sure to wash your white clothes separate from the dark ones or otherwise it will harm your cycling kit.

    Cycling kit

    2. ALWAYS use cold water

    The second factor that can damage your cycling apparel is hot water. It can harm a garment.

    BicycleBooth recommends washing your cycling jerseys and bibs in water above 30C.

    3. Avoid fabric softeners and use instead mild detergent

    The best way to wash your clothes is with liquid, neutral soaps, or mild detergent instead of softeners.

    Softeners are known to shorten the garment life

    However, don’t over do it! It doesn’t matter what type of detergent you use but the quantity matters, make sure you don’t put too much.

    Watch out, use only laundry detergent. Don’t use whiteners or bleaches, it does so much harm to the fabrics of your cycling apparel.

    4. Use plenty of water when you rinse!

    Why? The answer to that is simple, you don’t want any trace of detergent on your clothes. It’s advisable to remove any soap residue.

    Cycling apparel

    5. NEVER dry-clean or Iron: Hang them out

    The golden rule for washing your clothes is that YOU NEVER EVER should use the dry-cleaner.

    It’s important to mention if the hot water can harm fibers, a hot dryer does too.

    Therefore, Ironing your clothing is a Big NO NO! It can harm the technical fabrics and your chamois pad. We recommend that you put your clothes outside to dry.

    We are sure that these tips will keep your cycling clothing intact.
    Head over to our website to check our Quick-dry jerseys and high-performance bib.


    • That me for the tips. I’ve made every mistake.


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